Adore Orinda

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A few weeks ago we dropped in on Sophie Braccini and Roy Hodgkinson, our intrepid leaders at the Orinda Chamber of Commerce. We wanted to introduce ourselves and learn a bit about what they do. Sophie's part time Executive Director position is a paid one. Roy, Chamber President for 2016-2018, is a volunteer. They are open on Wednesdays in the office space across from the ground floor Library elevator and warmly welcome visitors. 

The Chamber's main objective is to support and promote businesses here in Orinda with ribbon cuttings, business mixers and awards ceremonies. In addition to membership and sponsorships, they raise additional money for these endeavors with a comedy show taking place March 4th at the Orinda Theater. Information is here.

Lamorinda Presents is a combination of all three Chambers working together to promote each other's events: A member of the Lafayette Chamber is actually the one responsible for the Love Lafayette, Adore Orinda and Amour Moraga bumper stickers. Drop by the Orinda Chamber next Wednesday to get yours!