The trajectory of What's Up Downtown Orinda has been very organic: casual conversations turned into emails, emails turned into meetings, and meetings turned into a committee. We truly are a group of Orinda citizens with the best of intentions: we want the best for Orinda and we are putting our various skills to the test as we navigate uncharted (for us) territory. When we needed a name for our group, the subject line of an early email from Ali emerged as everyone's favorite. When we needed a website, Hillary's marketing experience came in handy. But when we needed a logo....we turned to Kevin Thomson: husband, father, award-winning Creative Director, Orindan, Garth of Wayne's World at a recent elementary school auction. (Trivia! Kevin's father scooped ice cream at Loard's during the mid-1950's!)
Kevin came up with a design that makes us smile and we are so proud to introduce What's Up Downtown Orinda's new logo. We hope when you see it on a t-shirt, hat or tote bag around town it will make you smile too!
We'll be sporting it at our Welcome Wagon event on Thursday night, March 31st. If you haven't RSVP'd, please do so today! We hope to see you there.
Thank you Kevin!