A hearty thank you!

Last night's first WUDO Welcome Wagon was a big success. We want to thank the 80+ supporters and families that joined us at The Fourth Bore to chat and chew on all things downtown. It would be an understatement to say the joint was hopping well past our 9 PM finish time, and the general manager told us that it was a record Thursday night! Wins all around!

We loved hearing all of your ideas for ways to make downtown Orinda more vibrant. We heard conversations about the new businesses you'd like to see in Orinda, and brainstormed some creative ideas for enticing new entrants to the market, like finding a venue for a rotating pop-up store, and bringing in food trucks with an Off-The-Grid type event so the owners could get a better feel for Orinda. We love hearing your ideas and will be thinking about how we might be able to put them into action.

It was great to see our city officials, business owners and staff, kids, grandparents and friends old and new (from Lafayette and Moraga too) come out and show support for The Fourth Bore and for our group. 

We'll be doing more Welcome Wagon events going forward, so stay tuned! We also had requests to purchase our t-shirts with the new WUDO logo, so be on the lookout for info on that. 

Thanks again for your support!