An Updated Plan for Downtown? Sounds Good to Us.

The City of Orinda is considering RFPs for the revision of our downtown plan. Revisions would provide clear direction to individuals and entities interested in improving or developing (e.g.: the vacant lot at 25A Orinda Way) in the downtown commercial district. Clear direction means a streamlined approval process and demonstrates the city’s interest in an improved downtown, which will attracted experienced developers and spark interest in our downtown. This is a good thing. Orinda needs this.

In many states cities are required to review and updated their general plans every 10 years at an expense that would equal or surpass the expense that the city is considering taking on. In many states, every ten years every city reviews, assesses and revises. Orinda is proposing that we consider only one portion of our plan, the downtown portion.

The downtown district of Orinda should be seen as part of our community’s infrastructure; updating and maintaining this infrastructure should be a high priority. Our lack of attention to this matter suggests to investors, businesses and developers that we as a community just don’t care what happens downtown ... it’s exhausting, but we care.

If you care, too, please take a minute to write an email to the city letting them know that you support the city council exploring this effort and expense. This issue is currently up for discussion and the city has heard from many of residents, some for and some against revising our downtown plan. Please speak up and let your views be heard.